It happens every minute.
It looks like a flower blooming
and sounds like a bird’s melody.
It tastes like dark chocolate and
feels like fireworks.
It passes your home,
running down the sidewalk.
The air is resplendent with it as the new bakery
preps to open down the street.
Heart’s beat with it at the gym.
Your neighbor’s house resides with
it as she teaches her children each day.
It is in each word that I compose.
School campuses, art studios,
therapist’s offices, and cancer centers
are full t o t h e b r i m with it.
It is bravery.
When you see it, call it out!
Say to a stranger, “I see your bravery!”
Because, why not?
Bravery swells when it gets to mingle
with other bravery.
Bravery encourages bravery.
When you see it – say so.
Don’t dismiss it or downplay it.
And please don’t attack someone
for being brave. Please.
Though bravery is out there, it takes
a lot to hold hands with it and allow
it to take you to new places.
Don’t tear someone down for
pursuing brave, instead
appreciate the blooming flower.
When you hear the melody in your
community sing along.
And if need be, be the one
to write the song.
When the taste of it is
on your tongue, allow it
to make you crave more.
And if someone needs to be
reminded of the sweetness
of brave, share a bit of
your brave with them.
When you see fireworks shooting
off allow it to light a fire under you.
Recognizing bravery in others
calls out your own brave.
At least it can.
Other’s art, books, songs,
ideas, ironman competitions,
hospitality, or creativity
does not have to call your
own work into question.
Instead, allow it to fuel
your bravery,
your dreams,
your ambitions.
Bravery begets bravery.
Be the reason someone
steps out with brave.
*Photo credit: Jennifer Botzet
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