Who you are.
Who you want to be.
Where you are
Where you want to be.
There’s some
gaps here for me –
and for you.
It’s just not
something we talk
See, each of us are a
There’s not one of us
who has arrived
and that fact should not
make us feel less than.
It should not lead us
to question our
worth or talent.
We all have gaps and
we should not apologize
for their existence.
Gaps are opportunities
for growth…
which makes them
a good thing.
The gaps are supposed
to exist.
If there was no space
who we are now and
who we want to be
there would be no
motivation to grow.

We mess up
when we
ignore the gaps.
But ignoring them doesn’t
make them go away,
it just makes it
harder to bridge them.
I can attest to that.
I feel the dissonance
in my bones when I
try to ignore the gaps.
It makes me avoid the
edges and I
get nervous
about situations
that reveal
my gaps to others.
Momentum begins
when I walk to the
edge of a gap
and name it.
This is where growth begins.
Let’s be brave
and walk to our
edges together.

See a gap. Name an edge. No one is listening.
How can you bridge the gap? What tools do you need? What resources? Take one step today to close the gap! Email me or comment to let me know you took a step. Let’s walk to the edges together and support each other as we close a gap. Permission Granted.
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