We are gatherers.
It’s our default setting.
It’s been that way for a long time.
This way of being
has allowed us to provide
for our families and our communities.
We are beasts when it
comes to gathering
memories, groceries, friends, fun, and knowledge.
We round up legos, hope, craft supplies,
library books, and others around a cause
because it’s a skill we’ve honed.
We keep an arsenal of encouragement,
peacemaking, and perseverance
in storage.
Our hands are full.
Our hearts are full.
Our lives are full.
We are gatherers.
a shift is needed.
Our world needs us in
different ways now.
We need to use our voices more.
We must pursue ways for our
unique strengths to be utilized
because without them,
there’s a great lack.
We have to step into the space
that we’ve been given
or create our own –
and not apologize for it.

Why would we apologize
for the talents and skills we’ve
been given and have developed?
We must pursue our passions
so that our full potential is met.
In order to do that
we might have to
put some things down.
We are going to have to let go
of the way things have always been.
We can’t carry the expectations
that others have of us.
We need to lighten our load
and release the roles that we no
longer need to own
so that we can soldier on
with what is most important.
Put it down –
whatever is unnecessary,
whatever encumbers,
whatever threatens to strangle
our hope and our passion to
see our world thrive.
Lighten your load
so that you can carry
the joy of purpose,
and passion.
Step into what you
were made for.
No apologies.
No extra baggage.
Gather only
what fuels you.
Permission Granted.

Are you carrying something that is keeping you from carrying your passion to your full potential? Name it. Is it something that you must carry?
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