I had to give myself permission this week.
I have been holding off on a next step.
It wasn’t a huge step,
but each step matters
and anyway,
what really matters
is that you take them.
But I was a bit stuck.
I wasn’t taking the step.
This next step sat in
a bag that I walked
around and moved
to different locations
in the house
for a few weeks.
I had not put eyes on it
since I had brought it
to its new home.
New home?
This belongs with me?
This is for me?
I am not sure that I deserve it
or that my work really warrants it…
and so it sat.
I just didn’t think that
what I do,
what I create,
was enough
to warrant this tool –
a brand new computer.
The one sitting in the bag
in different locations
around the house.
See, this computer represents
me taking up my space –
It means I am really doing
this work of writing –
this work of creating.
And so it sat as I rushed
past it each day
until I was more frustrated with
sitting on the edge, with the full
knowledge of what I needed to do,
than unnerved about just taking the next step.

Sometimes the obstacles,
the blocks,
that try to keep us
from what we are made for
don’t really make sense to
other people.
This fact doesn’t make the
obstacle any smaller.
It just makes it harder to
define, describe, and to find a
detour around it
or a way through it.
Also, this fact should
not deter us from sharing
about our obstacles!
I shared about this block
I had with some trusted friends
and just saying it out loud
made a big difference.
Be brave and attempt to
define your obstacle
knowing it may not make sense
to others but that
sharing about it
will weaken the
hold it has on you.
The encouragement
I received
helped me take
my next step.
This post is written
and posted from
my new computer.

- Name your obstacle.
- Define it.
- Share it.
- Link arms with trusted friends.
- Overcome it.
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