Whether it’s a MOPS meeting, women’s event or retreat,

my goal is to help women live out their God-given heart passion

no matter what stage of life they are in.

Below are two of my most popular topics. I can develop topics based around your specific event needs.


I enjoy sharing about my journey as a mother. I believe that as moms, our first job is to pursue God and all that he has for us. The way for me to be the best mom I can be is to pursue all that God has for me. Parenting is hard and it is even harder if we don’t take the time to understand who we are and pursue the passions and gifts that have been given to us.

Here is a brief sample of this talk.


Are you stuck in neutral? Do you want to change, to grow, but just can’t quite get moving? The truth is we need to pursue forward motion. It’s so easy to get comfortable and just stay where we are even while longing for new or next.

Bethany’s been there and will share how we end up in neutral and then walk us through how to pursue moving forward. Bethany will share that we have all the permission we need to grow, to move, and to pursue who we are made to be. Have you ever thought, “What am I waiting for?” This is for you!

Attendees will leave understanding that permission has been granted to pursue their next best step. It will become clear that often we stand in our own way. Attendees will learn what fuels their drive to get out of neutral and to keep moving forward from where they are, to where they want to be.