Just so you know, I wonder who I think I am to step out and take up my space. Who am I to call myself a writer, a poet?
Maybe you wonder what in the world you were thinking starting a business or why you decided to go back to school, go for a promotion, or pick painting up again. Perhaps you wonder if you are making an impact at all or if you have a purpose?
Here I am daring to take up my space with the words that seep from my pores because I must do something with the words that reside in my bones. I show up here to encourage you to show up in the ways that only you can. We’re in this together, friend.
I write to vent, encourage, challenge, and be creative.
I write to capture a moment to keep it and save it in the form of letters, spaces, and periods.
I write to make an impact, even if in some small way.
I write to use the love that I have for words.
What are your talents? Are you using them? Is there some sort of proof, even if in a small way, of what lies within you? Are you exercising the power and influence you have been given to make an impact on a world that desperately needs you?
We’re in this together, friend and I am cheering you on! If you need someone to encourage you and remind you that permission has already been granted for you to move with purpose, you’ll find it on my website and social media. Feel free to email me and share the permission slip you’ve decided to run with, I will meet you there with hurrahs and encouragement. You’re not alone.
About me:
- I love shoes and earrings.
- I enjoy playing with patterns in my clothing (if you don’t like it please don’t say anything)
- Cleaning happens when it must, then and only then.
- Cold brew coffee is my friend.
- Married 24 years to an enneagram 8 who gets stuff done.
- I’m over cooking.
- The best thing is a good read, in the warm sun, with coffee and a snack.
- I have three teenagers. Please send coffee and cry with me when I need to cry and laugh with me when I need to laugh.
- Live music makes me feel alive and connected.
- I’m trying to be better at doing things that are a bit beyond me, feel free to challenge me on this.
- Give me a gorgeous day, a sun roof, and loud music.
- Store bought baked goods all the way.
- Friends are God’s gift to me.
- Belonging is very important to me.
- We have 2 dogs, two snakes, two guinea pigs, and 1 cat. Admission to the zoo is free!
- I love a good thrift find.
- I’m a little ADD, not diagnosed, but the signs are all there.
- I don’t have it all together and I feel like that’s pretty obvious most days.