Author: Bethany Howard

  • Unraveled.


    I thought things were under control – until they weren’t and I am still unsure exactly where it all unraveled, how I came to the end of myself. And yet that’s where I ended up. At the end of myself. It would seem that at one’s end There Would Be Nothing. But you were there.…

  • You are a warrior.

    You are a warrior.

    You are a warrior. You’ve walked a tightrope – steady – the balance between hope and grief, joy and pain, digging in and letting go. You’ve trusted. And you didn’t fall. Somehow you found a way to be present in the midst of holding so much. How did you manage to dance on a tightrope?…

  • Hey, skinny jeans.

    Hey, skinny jeans.

    Hey, skinny jeans. I know that you have  felt my absence.  It’s nothing personal… I still like you.  I also like breathing.  Things have changed  in the last 10 months  and what was once  ‘fit like a glove’ is now painful contortion.  It’s not you.  It’s me.  You can’t encompass the results of my coping…

  • Bloom for real

    Bloom for real

    I planted silk flowers in my garden  in my quest for beauty. They don’t fool anyone for long.  They look garish and cheap even when the  sun shines. When I make a show and water  their plastic roots with  my polkadot watering can they are still dead. It’s not real beauty. Counterfeit beauty is an…

  • Follow hope’s lead

    Follow hope’s lead

    hope  is present in upheaval  hope  makes  itself  known  hope can’t be shut out covered up quieted the signposts of hope  will surprise you and  you will find  hope in places  you don’t  anticipate stay expectant watch for it  when hope  shows up don’t discount it don’t argue with it follow its lead it will…

  • Set your permissions

    Set your permissions

    Have you noticed that our world requires us to  set permissions? In order for something  to work for us,  we have to  to give it the go ahead to work with the other  things in our lives so that it can do for us what it is supposed to do.  If we don’t set permissions…

  • Hope made a way

    Hope made a way

    The pieces don’t fit.  I want to finish this puzzle so that  it makes sense.  It’s a mess and there are  pieces missing so I am not sure why I keep going.  I am losing hope that I will ever see the complete picture. I am missing pieces.  I am not where I  thought I…

  • Is there evidence?

    Is there evidence?

    Dappled light highlights the shapes made by the peeling bark on the crepe myrtle trees. I go for a closer look. I am enamored  by the light,  by the tree. Its cracking,  its peeling. I’m in awe of  the metamorphosis  of such a large specimen. This is how it grows. Crepe myrtles  shed last year’s…

  • as long as it takes

    as long as it takes

    can you feel it the air is heavy frustration is palpable words float in the air the song of justice will not be silenced pain seeps into lungs into breath into words injustice has legs and will march as long as it takes this righteous anger is not new chains still exist  free? is the …

  • Imperfect is real

    Imperfect is real

    Imperfect is real.  Perfection renders us  counterfeit, forces us  to conceal. Don’t give in  to the pressure that  the world serves up because  we need real more than we need  a show.  We need soft hearts in tune. We need bodies ready to work.  We need  open minds on the same page. We need blood,…