Author: Bethany Howard

  • I Am Tempted To Turn Inward

    I am tempted. Tempted to turn inward. Tempted to shield my face from light and get comfortable in the dark. There’s a part of me that is ready to fight and there’s a part of me that just wants to watch dumb TV and eat chips. There’s so much happening in the world and in…

  • In August: Find the Stunning Blooms

    In August: Find the Stunning Blooms

    There’s a house I pass several times a day. I stopped to say ‘Hi’ and learned that they’ve been in the neighborhood quite awhile.  Since 1954. They grow sunflowers each summer. They stand at attention  guarding the rest of the garden from the traffic on the road. I stopped to tell them how much I…

  • In the Name of Fairness

    In the Name of Fairness

    We had an 18 month old when our boy-girl twins were born. Yes, our hands were full… (everyone’s favorite thing to exclaim when they saw us coming) No, I don’t remember a lot of that first year. I had to divide my time up a bit to try to get time with each of them.…

  • Fourteen Reasons I Will Not Miss Summer

    Fourteen Reasons I Will Not Miss Summer

      I will be able to go to the bathroom without being asked what is for snack. I can run to the store without 6 extra hands. I won’t hear “__________ did __________ to me.” on repeat. I won’t have to hear opinions when I make another (AGAIN?!!) run through the Starbucks drive-thru. I will…

  • Things I Will Miss About Summer

    Things I Will Miss About Summer

    Slow mornings. Average breakfast time of 8:45 am. Brushing my teeth in my swimsuit in the backyard while I wait for the dog to do her thing. A schedule that includes watermelon, pool, burgers, ice cream. Relaxed evenings. Tan lines. Swimming in the rain. Dinners of salad and cereal. Last minute decisions to __________. PJs…

  • There’s Something About A Great Pair of Earrings

    There’s Something About A Great Pair of Earrings

    I am new to wearing out-there earrings. Statement earrings that say: “Look at me!” I had stuck with the same pair of earrings for years and years due to sensitive ears. At least that was my reasoning. But now at 40 I can’t help but wonder if it was more than that. If there was…

  • Hear Your Heartbeat

    Hear Your Heartbeat

    [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.3.1″] If you are new here… Welcome to this safe place where I invite you to pursue with me what it looks like to live as our best selves. I search for kindling to fuel joy, growth and understanding. I find kindling in the…

  • Hey There, Heart! Develop The Whole Picture.

    Hey There, Heart! Develop The Whole Picture.

    Sometimes, as a mom, I feel as though the trip to the grocery store, to the beach, to pick blueberries, etc. is a colossal disaster. For example when we picked blueberries Here’s what I experienced: Arguments. I repeated myself a million times. There were complaints about the heat. Complaints about being hungry. There was whining…

  • Go Ahead – Allow Your Heart To Feel It All.

    Go Ahead – Allow Your Heart To Feel It All.

    Go ahead and feel it all. There’s a lot on your plate. The world won’t come crashing down if you go ahead and feel it. I know it might seem like it might. To allow yourself to sink into all that is in your heart is asking for an enormous wave to crush you, flip…

  • She Needs Her Hands Free – It’s A Simple Answer.

    She Needs Her Hands Free – It’s A Simple Answer.

    My baby girl got a doll for her birthday. A life-like doll. It’s like we have a new member of the family. Today, I heard her ask her brother to hold her baby so that she could run upstairs. He asked why she couldn’t take the baby with her. She said, “I need to do…