Author: Bethany Howard

  • It Isn’t About What I See In The Mirror

    It Isn’t About What I See In The Mirror

      Bleary-eyed. A yawn tries to wake me up as my feet hit the cool tile in the bathroom. It goes against everything I want…but I turn the light on anyway. I turn the shower to hot. I take off my pajamas and stand in front of the mirror to see how I feel about…

  • My internal GPS

    I am directionally challenged. If you ask me how to get somewhere I will say, “I don’t know, ask the GPS because that’s how I got here.” If it wasn’t for GPS I would not travel too far from home, especially since home is Atlanta. My GPS and I are good buds. I depend a…

  • Refill


    I felt inadequate by 9 pm the day of Mother’s Day and slept fitfully. I awoke to questions battling in my mind,  stirring up my tummy. After a wonderful Mother’s Day I already felt like I was on half a tank, with discouragement fast devouring the rest of my reserve. It is no accident I read…

  • The Kirby Principle

    The Kirby Principle

    When I was about 17 I thought I deserved a car. Once you have your license a car just follows – at least, that is what I thought. I think I probably dreamed about coming home from school to discover a car of my very own in the driveway. That dream never really came to…

  • Docent.


    The docent sat on a bench to soak up a masterpiece that hung on the pristine white walls of the museum. Art lovers would soon walk the hallways to admire and study the one-of-a-kind pieces. She enjoyed sharing about the artist and the possible inspiration for each piece. She loved to point out the important,…

  • The Thaw.

    The Thaw.

    The temperature has dropped and the wind is causing chaos among the leaves. I pull on a sweater. It doesn’t take the chill away. A look at the sky says there’s weather on the horizon – there’s a storm headed our way. The storm started yesterday, actually. I add a scarf. Is the furnace working?…

  • Why (fill in the blank)?

    I have an article on Kathi Lipp’s Communicator Academy today! Please go and check it out! If you are here for the first time, welcome and thanks for reading! My piece on Communicator Academy, “Why write?”  is a version of the same question we all have. Here are some other versions that are out there:…

  • A view from the front row.

    A view from the front row.

    I am over at Middle Places today on their blog! If you are stopping by from there, welcome! I am so glad to have you visit. If you haven’t read my post on Middle Places yet, please stop over and read “Embracing the Present is Hard“. The kids are home from school for Thanksgiving break.…

  • Resources for a Growing Girl

    Occasionally you may find yourself uncertain of you are. Or maybe the mundane has robbed you of joy. Perhaps you no longer no what you are passionate about. Here are a few resources to discover again who you are so you can pursue who you are meant to be. StrengthsFinder: Buy this book and take the…

  • Community.

    I am just not a quick thinker. I blame genetics and my kids. Community is what it is all about. That is my answer, it was just a very delayed answer. When my new friend Luna Leverett asked me about resources for a mom on her podcast…my mind left me hanging…not a good thing in…