Author: Bethany Howard

  • Bravery begets bravery.

    Bravery begets bravery.

      It happens every minute. It looks like a flower blooming and sounds like a bird’s melody. It tastes like dark chocolate and feels like fireworks. It passes your home, running down the sidewalk. The air is resplendent with it as the new bakery preps to open down the street. Heart’s beat with it at…

  • Welcome to my website!

    Hello! Welcome to my website! It is a work in progress but I am still thrilled with the progress I’ve made! It’s unbelievable to have a place of my own to post to. I hope you enjoy your visits here. Please visit often and share this website with others!   Thanks for reading!   Bethany

  • Blueberries.


    I sat down in front of the heavy-with-fruit blueberry bush, thinking I would just make myself at home in the midst of the blueberry patch. This particular bush was loaded with sweet blues and i figured I would just focus on this bush and pick it clean. Handful after handful landed in my bucket with…

  • A prayer for us.

    Today, God we are a people in mourning. We mourn the way sin has infected justice. We mourn the way sin has turned your image bearers against your image bearers. Meet us here Lord. We mourn that we have ignored  issues that keep resurfacing with more and more vigor. We mourn that we have failed…

  • Change.


    Frustration. Seeping into dinner and conversation. Tainting our body language. Knotting the simplest of things into a tangled mess. My vision clouded by struggle and angst. That’s all I could see ahead. Angst. Struggle. What if he just changed? What if the the things that drove me to distraction could change? What if he changed?…

  • A prayer for summer.

    A prayer for summer.

    *This post is a favorite of mine. I teared up as I prayed it today. I need it today as much or more than I needed it when I first wrote it. It is summer, Lord. I love the season of summer. I see your creativity and love all over summer. The taste of fresh…

  • An invitation

    A friend is beginning a new Bible study. She said she is planning on the study to step on her toes and make her run to Jesus. Well that’s novel. It strikes me as novel anyway because I don’t typically enter into things looking for a race with injured toes. I don’t hope for my…

  • The care and feeding of a mother.

    The care and feeding of a mother.

    I love Mother’s Day. It’s a bit of pampering and sweet crafts from my babies. It means I don’t cook at all that day and I really love that. Mother’s Day is a major emphasis on the love and work of a mother and it comes just once a year. Once. A. Year. The work…

  • Guest blogger: Shelley Lee

    Guest blogger: Shelley Lee

      Allow me to introduce you to someone I have known since I was about 10 years-old. Shelley Lee is brave, honest and a seeker of truth. She has many roles: wife, author, mom to 4 boys, and grandma to one sweet girl (with another grandchild on the way!). I have crafted with her, laughed with…

  • In response to: I want all the perks of maternity leave.

    I posted an article to my Facebook page and there was quite a conversation that followed. I shared the article about Meghann Foye who believes that she should get a maternity leave even though she doesn’t have kids. She thinks that women without children should get the opportunity for space and time for self-reflection just…