Author: Bethany Howard

  • The best thing

    The best thing

    You are  worried  overwhelmed anxious. Me too. I am  really trying to be there  for you –  to be what you need even though it’s not my role to fill. Still. When there are  tears – I want to fix it as if it’s blood,  not salt. When you have a   hard question,  …

  • Created to…

    Created to…

    Leap Shuffle Saunter Crawl towards your purpose passion and possibilities. We were created to  Grow Change Shift Learn. Be who you are,  right where you are but don’t stay there.  #PermissionGranted

  • Feel the weight

    Feel the weight

      I stood here in this   spot on the porch   and I had a lot   going on in my   heart and mind.   I know you can’t   tell from the picture…   but just trust me on this one.   I looked at the picture   that I made,  …

  • We have permission to:

    We have permission to:

    Dear fellow white humans we have permission to: mourn learn grow feel unlearn research read listen share reflect hope discuss stand speak listen serve support.  

  • See my boy

    See my boy

    Sweet, little toes. Precious nose.  Chubby cheeks.  First steps. Belly laughs. ABCs and 123s. Strong legs run fast. Make-me-laugh antics. Off to kindergarten. Discovers Spiderman. Makes new friends wherever he goes.  He loves any and every kind of sport that includes a ball. (Black boys only play basketball and football.) He graduates to middle school…

  • A tinge of sweet

    A tinge of sweet

    It belongs – but it doesn’t. Wrong temperatures,  wrong soil,  incorrect amount of precipitation and yet… the pineapple seems to be quite happy here  in Georgia soil. It’s wrong, but it is right. It’s unexpected,  shocking,  and sweet at the  same time.  Sometimes, well, perhaps,  more than I would like, I find myself in the …

  • A manifesto on being

    A manifesto on being

    Dial it back Cuddle up Keep it simple Make it special Listen Learn Understand Rest Create Take up your space Feel what you feel Don’t dwell there Hold hope Cling to truth Let go of what you can’t hold. Be safe Pray Strengthen roots Extend grace Be present Grow Give Be who you are Right…

  • Sown in the Unknown

    Sown in the Unknown

    Somehow, someway,  something grew.  I don’t remember  planting, watering  or fertilizing the fruit I am holding. At some point something  found good soil,  put down roots, grew green shoots,  blossomed and now I have fruit. I am astounded  to be holding fruit. When did this germinate? I trace back the  origin of the gift  of…

  • Veil of fog

    Veil of fog

    Fog. Thick, real. Joy and hope play a game of hide and seek I did not ask to participate in. The future holds question marks – so many unknowns… The fog clouds vision, tangles emotion, and I just want to hibernate. The swath of clouds hangs over every area of life and I wonder if this…

  • Sifted


    My world has been sifted. It’s been a  painful shaking, an imposed surrender. All that I once held with a tight grip is no longer something I can cling to. Some of what I held dear has fallen through my hands.  What remains  is precious,  their importance – elevated. I open my hands to examine …