Author: Bethany Howard

  • Be the right person

    Be the right person

    I was recently the recipient  of community in action.  I had questions about trying something new  and after a few phone calls, too many not-quite-right Youtube videos and  articles I found  the right person. She patiently listened to my questions, filled in my gaps,  and then went the extra mile to help me get over…

  • Be loud.

    Be loud.

    A friend shared that there are voices in her life that are discouraging.  She told me that my voice is an encouragement to her. I kind of jokingly said,  “I will keep being loud!” And she replied, “Yes. Be loud.” Who needs you to Be Loud? Someone does. Or a group of people do. And…

  • What the waves say.

    What the waves say.

    I stood mesmerized, unable to look away from the waves that crisscrossed before me, greeting each other and drawing diamonds in the water. I stood on the sandbar entranced by the waves that came in sideways upon hitting the sand. The ocean – as if it didn’t already call to me, had something new to…

  • I want to be like her.

    I want to be like her.

    I want to be like her. I want to make an impact in big and small ways, at every stage. I want to be like her. She walks and cleans the walkway of debris that nature has deposited. I’ve seen her twice in 3 days time. Stick in hand, scooting off a stick or leaf…

  • What hope feels like

    What hope feels like

    The pitch darkness makes her stumble.  It doesn’t matter if her eyes are open or closed –  the light is the same.  She keeps to herself,  keeps herself small so that she doesn’t  end up with bumps and bruises. she shuffles imperceptibly. Her lack of confidence is because she is  swaddled in uncertainty.  Her movement,…

  • Speak for maximum impact.

    Speak for maximum impact.

    Some things just need to be said.  They don’t need rehearsed – there’s no time for that.  If the passion is now – the time is now.  So often the space when  something needs to be said  is a small gap in time –  and once it has passed the opportunity for maximum impact has…

  • The question that must be answered

    The question that must be answered

    [et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Each time I stand on  the precipice of a gap – between what I know –  and what I do not know – I am surprised by the question that  must be answered. I thought I already  chose bravery? Remember  last  time? We’ve already been  through this. So why,…

  • Purpose does not belong on a shelf.

    Purpose does not belong on a shelf.

    It’s always been there – on the shelf – hiding in the dark. It’s never seen the sky or felt the tension on the other end of the string as it rose through the sky. The kite has sat, still in plastic, the pricetag faded. Here’s the truth. I’m scared to fly it. Afraid I…

  • Expectations: The Good and the Bad

    Expectations: The Good and the Bad

    Expectations.  They are good  and they are bad.  They make me move and they paralyze me.  They create structure and they undo me.  They provide order and they inhibit spontaneity. I need them and I abhor them. Some are necessary because,  well, I am an adult with responsibilities. The others? Here’s what I am thinking:…

  • Savor the simple

    Savor the simple

    I am going to savor the simple.  No one can force me to desire caviar.   I’d like a popsicle, please. I will relish a hot dog  cooked over the fire with  my little ones. I will take a walk  and enjoy moving my body.  I will seek quiet and rest.  I am going to…