Hide from edges.
Ignore the gaps
turn away
and act like
you’re just fine.
You don’t need to grow.
You’re just fine without
a harvest.
You don’t need to
produce like others do.
It’s fine for them –
but you’re
Just fine.
Even if I yell it –
it’s no longer true.
Somehow fine has become
How did this happen?
I was so comfortable.
I was just fine.
And then I went and made
friends who stand on the
edge and figure out
how to get across.
I’m friends with
people who do brave
things every day.
Did I really think I
would continue to be
just fine?
It’s a good thing I find
myself pursuing edges.
I am where I am
supposed to be;
it’s good that what
has always been
is no longer
good enough.
Friends should challenge
you to grow,
to sit on the edge
and see what
you are meant for –
not just what’s
always been.

Thanks, friends,
for pursuing your own
edges and for not
shying away from brave.
Thanks for helping me realize
that gaps aren’t something
to hide from,
but rather –
an adventure to pursue.

1) Do you have friends in your circle that push you to grow and seek out edges? If yes, who? Tell them thank you. If no, it’s time to add to your circle of friends.
2) How do you encourage and support your friends to pursue their best?
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