Check out the previous posts on this topic! Begin with the introduction to the series.
I am afraid of quiet moments.
Just being honest.
I am pretty sure I avoid them.
In the quiet moments
that are filled with actual
quiet, when my brain is not
trying to convince me that
everything that is hard
is harder than it is for everyone else
or that everything that is good
is not as good as I believe
it to be.
Actual quiet.
When I am not running through a to-do list
or recounting my inadequacies or wins for the day.
Actual quiet.
The place where my heart rests
and I talk with the One who
created me and
knows me better than I
know myself.
The place where I listen.
It is in these times when I am
sitting in quiet, in prayer,
or contemplating scripture
that a gap might be pointed
out to me.
I might see something
for the first time or perhaps
it is a kind reminder.
See, sometimes I think my struggle
is caused by someone else
and in these moments
I see the issue is with me.
See why I avoid the quiet?
However, in order to grow…
I can’t avoid the quiet places.

How will you pursue quiet moments this week?
#PermissionGranted! It’s not selfish to take time for quiet and it’s not laziness. It just might be the beginning of growth. Go. Find some quiet.
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